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About Us

The Responsibility of Political Research Office

1. Focusing on the key work of the university, conducting follow-up and innovative investigation and research on relevant issues with overall, strategic and directional characteristics, and providing objective and decision-making consultation for school decision-making.

2. Grasping the hot and difficult issues in the development of higher education, organizing the research on projects and countermeasures, and analyzing the development situation of higher education, so as to provide valuable evidence and data for leaders to correctly judge the situation, grasp the overall situation and make scientific decisions.

3. Tracking peer universities’ implementation of policies of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Ministry of Education and the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government to promote and improve their development, timely collecting, sorting out and disseminating important dynamics, selecting and gathering the dynamics of domestic and foreign universities, building an information database platform, and providing personalized information services for university leaders.

4. Organizing regular workshops centering on the work of the school center, providing qualitative and quantitative analysis for the university to formulate development strategies, plans and major measures, and providing decision-making basis; at the same time, summarizing and condensing the advanced experience in univeristy governance and practices in time.

5. Compiling and issuing the internal journalDevelopment Report of Xi’an Jiaotong Universityfor the reference of leaders at all levels of the university.

6. Compiling relevant planning, research reports, collected papers, internal reference materials, etc.

7. Completing other tasks assigned by school leaders.